Unlike big companies, each t-shirt is lovingly printed to order and quality control checked to the highest standards before leaving the print factory. However, Sometimes issues can arise during production and I will do everything I can to replace any products that are printed incorrectly or not to the amazing quality you have come to expect.
Because your purchase is custom printed and made exclusively for you, it will only qualify for replacement if: (i) the product itself is flawed, (ii) the quality of the printing is poor or (iii) the final product is notably different from the product presented on your order, such as wrong size or design was sent.
If your purchase meets the above criteria, email me as soon as possible, preferably no later than 20 days after the delivery date at matt@retrodesignco.co.uk including:
Please note, I can’t replace items that were printed as ordered and you have “changed your mind” or purchased the wrong size by accident. As much as I want every one of my customers to be 100% happy with their purchase, the print factory still charges me if you order the wrong size.
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